Minister demands charity action

Minister demands charity actionMinister for Civil Society Rob Wilson has waded into the row over charity marketers bombarding potential donors by demanding that the industry bodies to ensure high-pressure recruitment tactics are “stamped out for good”.
The intervention follows a Mail on Sunday investigation which exposed several potential breaches of the Institute of Fundraising’s Code of Fundraising Practice at two fundraising agencies, Listen and the Street Academy.
The investigation, which features video footage of staff being trained how to get around pensioners’ objections to donating, has already forced Oxfam to suspend both agencies.
Fundraising Standards Board chief executive Alistair McLean said the investigation was “deeply concerning”, adding that the FRSB would investigate the claims.
Wilson, MP for Reading East, said: “I will personally make sure this is thoroughly investigated by the industry bodies and that they take whatever action is necessary to make sure practices such as this are stamped out for good.”
The other charities cited in the Mail on Sunday article as working with at least one of the agencies were CRUK, the RSPCA, Unicef UK and Shelter. It has been claimed they have all launched inquiries following the report.

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1 Comment on "Minister demands charity action"

  1. Minister demands #charity bodies stamp out high-pressure #fundraising “for good” #directmarketing #telemarketing #CRM

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