E-cigarette brand VIP’s attempt at “tasteful” advertising has blown up in its face after the watchdog stubbed out a revised version of its first ad – banned for oral sex references – ruling the new spot was still too sexual for younger viewers.
The new spot launched in May this year after its first ever campaign had the dubious honour of becoming the most complained about TV ad of all time.
The ad, which kicked off with a sultry model saying: “I want you to get it out, I want to see it, I want to feel it, hold it, put it in my mouth, I want to see how great it tastes,” racked up 1,156 gripes.
Before the new ad launched, VIP co-founder Dave Levin said: “While the first ad was successful in that it raised a huge amount of awareness for us, we are all about taste, so we recognised the need to respond to the complaints with our new creative output.”
Starring the same model talking direct to camera, VIP insisted the new script was less sexual. However, as she ran her hand over her thigh, the woman purred: “You know that feeling you get when something’s great? You can touch it, hold it, even see it. Well now you can taste it.”
The updated ad sparked 86 complaints, with many challenging whether the ad was suitable for broadcast before 9pm. It had been given an “ex-kids” restriction by Clearcast, meaning it could not be shown around children’s programming.
The ASA said it was concerned that the “degree of sexuality in the ad, while not overt, was unsuitable for older children”. It ruled that the ad must not be broadcast again before 9pm to minimise the risk of children seeing it.
A VIP statement read: “We have responded to the feedback on our last advertising campaign, by toning down our ads and targeting the post-watershed audience with our next TV campaign. We respect the ASA’s ruling and will continue to welcome and take on board audience comments.”
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