Burger King Poop Emoji Ice Cream: Good job or stinker?

burger king shitBurger King’s “Moldy Whopper”. To some it was creative genius. To others it simply showed adland at its worst. One thing is sure, it certainly cleaned up on the creative awards circuit. And, in a similar vein, here comes its latest wheeze, a “Poop Emoji Ice Cream”, basically a chocolate ice cream with eyes, designed to look like crap.

The premise is sound enough, with the aim showing how the company’s ice creams and desserts are 100% free of artificial ingredients. Devised by David São Paulo, the initiative is part of Burger King’s push to question why some food producers still add artificial ingredients to their products, even when consumers apparently do not want them.

Burger King has also vowed to remove 100% of all artificial ingredients from its burgers by 2025.

Having an idea is one thing, executing it is another, however, and the agency claims it took “a couple of months” to study and prepare for the launch, finding the right supplier able to create them and also make them 100% free from anything artificial.

The agency’s rationale was that it is better to look like a poo on the outside than to be stuffed with lots of bad ingredients on the inside.

Burger King Brazil marketing director Juliana Cury said: “Our goal was to show in a funny way that our product – no matter how it looks – is the cleanest of all. The important thing is what’s inside: a tasty ice cream without artificial ingredients of any kind.”

David São Paulo executive creative directors Renata Leão and Edgar Gianesi “both” said: “Just like we did with the Moldy Whopper, we are using a powerful and memorable visual to make people think about what’s in their food and making a strong point about ours.”

But any Brits gagging to have crap ice-cream will need deep pockets; they are only available in Brazil at the moment, from a specially branded truck, and only for a limited period. The company has yet to decide whether the Poop Emoji Ice Cream will be washing up on our shores any time soon.

So, what is the consensus around the Decision Marketing office?

Well, first up, we need to applaud the Burger King PR machine; after all, this initiative is literally being run out of a single van in Brazil yet it is getting global coverage.

Second, this is not even a new idea – a quick search will show you there are plenty of other companies offering “poop” ice cream, here and here.

Of course, adland will love it; this sort of stuff always cleans up at awards. Whether consumers will get it is another thing, and surely that’s the point isn’t it? If it boosts sales, the job’s a good ‘un; if all it does is win industry awards, it’s a stinker.

Decision Marketing Adometer: A “ pooper scooping” 7 out of 10