DHSC Covid update: Fresh air and fresh thinking, too

Covid ad green gasAnother week, another Government Covid campaign, only in many ways this latest spot is one of the most crucial; with Lockdown 3.0 ending last Monday, the Department of Health & Social Care is desperate to ensure the measures of the past three months are not blown in a matter of days by people meeting indoors.

To be fair, if the recent scenes in Nottingham parks are anything to go – in which hundreds of young people went crazy – you might be left wondering why DHSC is concentrating solely on indoor gatherings but hey it has obviously been caught on the hop.

The new film by Freuds is narrated by GP and Good Morning Britain presenter Dr Hilary Jones and highlights the impact of fresh air on reducing the risk of transmission. It sees the return of the Government’s “Hands, Face, Space” motto with the addition of “…and Fresh Air”.

Running across TV, radio, press, digital, out of home advertising and social media, the film illustrates the difference of how the Covid virus behaves indoors compared to outdoors by showing those with the virus spouting particles of seemingly poisoned green gas. Obviously this spreads much easier inside than out.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty said: “Thanks to the efforts of the public we have reduced the number of cases and deaths but the virus is still in circulation.

“The evidence is very clear that outdoor spaces are safer than indoors. It is important to remember this as we move into the next phase.

“Around 1 in 3 people with coronavirus show no symptoms, so anyone could be spreading it without knowing. Someone who is infected releases particles into the air by coughing, talking or breathing.”

Professor Catherine Noakes, from Leeds University, who advised on the film, added: “It’s important we stick to the guidance and stay outdoors when we are meeting with people who are not from our household or bubble. An infected person releases particles into the air by coughing, talking or simply breathing.

“The closer you are to people, the greater the risk of breathing in infected particles. When we are outdoors, the risk of infection is significantly lower as fresh air disperses and blows Covid particles away, and we have more space to social distance from each other.”

So, what is the consensus around the Decision Marketing office?

Well, we are in a decidedly chipper mood this week, although we are not sure whether it is the lifting of lockdown, the impending Easter break or the realisation that this seemingly endless parade of public awareness films should come to an end soon.

Nevertheless, this is a simple yet effective film; the green “poison” is a masterstroke that shows the hidden dangers lurking in those people who are asymptomatic.

All they’ve got to do now is try to get the message across to those idiots who are hell bent on breaking the rules out in the open…

Decision Marketing Adometer: A “we’re nearly there” 8 out of 10