NHS Blood & Transplant: What are you waiting for?

Mullenlowe-NHSAh 1948. The year when the Olympic Games came to London, Rowntree introduced Polo mints, the first Land Rover was unveiled, and the end of post-war bread rationing. But arguably the biggest news of the year was the launch of the NHS, giving the right to universal healthcare, free at point of use.

And, to mark this week’s anniversary, NHS Blood & Transplant is writing its own “Birthday Card” to the NHS in its latest drive to encourage people to sign up for the NHS Organ Donor Register.

Targeting all adults in England, the “Go on, get a card. It is our birthday” campaign seeks to engage the public around the NHS celebration by drawing a line between birthday cards and the organ donor cards received by anyone who registers as an organ donor for the first time.

Devised by MullenLowe, the creative features an image of the organ donor card and was revealed this week on a digital outdoor site at Westfield Stratford City in East London, along with poster sites donated by Ocean Outdoor and Unilever.

Outdoor activity will be backed by digital assets in a range of spaces – from NHS Blood & Transplant sites, blood donor centres, and across social media.

NHS Blood & Transplant director of organ donation and transplantation Anthony Clarkson said: “Today, more than 7,000 people in the UK need a lifesaving transplant to transform their life. Just 1% of people die in the right circumstances to donate their organs so we need as many people as possible to confirm their organ donation decision so their families know what they want to happen.

“On the NHS’s 75th birthday, please confirm your decision on the NHS Organ Donor Register so you could potentially save or improve up to nine lives.”

MullenLowe executive partner Tom Knox added: “NHS Blood & Transplant are committed to reducing the number of people waiting for an organ transplant and saving as many lives as possible in the process.

“Three-quarters of people are willing to donate in England, but currently, only 40% of people have registered a decision as an organ donor on the NHS Organ Donor Register. This is our opportunity to help change that.

“We want to celebrate the NHS’s 75th birthday as a moment for people to be able to give back to the healthcare service which provides care for them day in, and day out, 365 days a year.”

So, what is the consensus around the Decision Marketing office?

Well, to be fair it is all summed up in this sentence from Tom Knox: “Three-quarters of people are willing to donate in England, but currently, only 40% of people have registered a decision as an organ donor on the NHS Organ Donor Register.”

Why, oh why, are you dawdling folks? A process that takes less than 2 minutes could be the difference between life and death for someone in dire need. If you only do one thing today, go to the Register and sign up now. Pretty please.

Decision Marketing Adometer: An ‘if not now, when’ 10 out of 10

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