In normal times, an open brief from the United Nations might be seen by creatives as something quite interesting to work on, once they’ve done their “proper job”. However, as we all know, these are not normal times.
In fact, these are unprecedented times (see Spooner), so the UN is aiming to enlist “creatives everywhere” to help spread the public health messages about Covid-19 in ways which will be effective, accessible and shareable. (OK there’s no budget but what could be better on the showreel than the work you did to help save civilisation?)
And it is a chance for all creatives to get involved, as it is not just a single campaign. Nope, the UN wants a multitude of creative solutions to translate “critical public health messages into different languages, different cultures, communities and platforms, reaching everyone, everywhere”.
The organisation hopes to inspire “creators, influencers, networks, media owners and others” who can take these key messages and adapt them. (Let’s face it, it’s about time influencers did something useful other than peddling crap).
The UN will then work with media partners and clients with media inventory, across social, digital, streaming, broadcast, print and radio to flag up the best of the creative community.
The brief states: “We need to meet people where they are, with a stream of fresh, innovative content which drives home the personal behaviours and societal support needed today. We are equipping you with World Health Organisation-provided knowledge and messages to spread.”
So, what is the consensus around the Decision Marketing office? Are you joking? There is only one possible consensus, GET ON WITH IT!
After all, for certain generations the creative industry has always been seen as “the last bastion of the skiver”, and being a creative viewed as not a “proper job”. But here’s the chance to prove the doubters wrong. GO FORTH AND CREATE!
Decision Marketing Adometer: Another Covid-19 busting 10 out of 10, even though there is no creative to speak of)