Busty declares her love of sausage

BustyThis week, good ol’ Haymarket Media Group poked one in the eye for all those people who bemoan the fact that Campaign magazine is stuck in the past.
Some 522 years after Christopher Columbus discovered America, the self-styled advertising bible has just found it too and is opening a New York office to prove it.
As the blub read: “Campaign’s content will be primarily produced by creative talent for creative talent but will also include content from sister titles in the UK and Asia.” (Er, in other words, we can’t afford to send over too many staff so right the bloody thing yourself Yanky adland).
In a major coup, they have even signed up the little big man himself, Sir Martin Sorrell, as a columnist. He is quoted as saying: “It’s about time that Haymarket took the bold but intelligent step of launching Campaign in the States.” (Er, in other words, what the hell took them so long, don’t they realise my ego demands that I get coverage all over the world and only Campaign can be relied upon to publish my every utterance?”).
I’m sure Advertising Age bosses are shaking in their boots at the prospect of a such a massive magazine with a paid-for circulation of a few thousand encroaching on their patch. (Incidentally, according to Haymarket.com Danny Rogers is still the editor. Don’t you think it’s about time he told them he wasn’t?)
Still, at least Haymarket had the foresight to register the domain Campaign.com, which apparently is one better than the company formerly known as TNT Post. A little bird tells me they had to spell the new name Whistl because Whistle.co.uk has already been bagged.
Anyway, back to me and, never one to be outdone, my esteemed editor has got expansion plans of his very own. That’s right fans, DecisionMarketing is opening a new office too…in Blackburn. I must admit, at first “aw waur gett’n a face like a smacked arse” but now I’m here I’m lovin’ it.
You see, we’re no Southern poofters here, and old McKelvey likes nothing more than chomping down some tripe and onions for his tea. To be honest, I much prefer a Lancashire sausage, but I bet you guessed that already…

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol