Rise of ‘sex pest texts’ fuels ICO data security warning
UK businesses are being urged to tighten up their data security and governance procedures after a rise of “over-friendly customer…
UK businesses are being urged to tighten up their data security and governance procedures after a rise of “over-friendly customer…
The Information Commissioner’s Office is urging the UK’s 5.5 million small-and-medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to check they have the right data…
The UK’s Freedom of Information (FoI) laws are being undermined by a lack of resources and Government departments obstructing lawful…
The mystery surrounding the Information Commissioner’s Office “choco-gate” scandal – triggered by revelations that an ICO corporate credit card had…
The UK has officially kicked off the search for a new Information Commissioner to succeed Elizabeth Denham, whose often controversial…
A group of British dentists are not waiting for the Information Commissioner’s Office to investigate a recent hack attack on their industry…
Compensation lawyers are ramping up their efforts to corral British Airways customers to file claims against the airline following the…
Price comparison site Moneysupermarket has paid the price for trying to persuade customers to opt back into receiving direct marketing…
The Government must fight to keep the Information Commissioner’s Office at the top table of European data protection regulation or…
John Lewis and HSBC have become the latest brands to call for more clarity from the Information Commissioner’s Office over…