Don’t you just love a Bank Holiday weekend? I’ve got a very exciting one in store, having met a new man. One minute I was at Stamford Bridge urging on the mighty Chelsea – sorry but Weston Super Mare don’t quite cut it these days – the next I was being “comforted” by a Russian oligarch.
Yep, I’m through with you marketing types, I’m going where the real cash is, oil and gas. Not that I would go for Abramovich, you understand, I’ve got slightly better taste. But one of his best mates…now that’s a different story.
And I’m sure you’ll believe me when I say “Ivan the Terrible” has got plenty of fingers in plenty of pies, and lovely fingers they are, too.
Anyway, he’s promised to whisk me away for a long weekend. I’m not too sure where we are going yet but he did mention something about a helicopter ride and a private yacht…now that’s what I call a result. I could be missing in action for days.
One bloke who will definitely be missing for a while is the lovely Ben “huntin, shootin, fishin” Stephens, on account of his long-suffering PA Catherine finally throwing in the towel.
Never one to miss out on a good send-off, our Ben was last seen opening up a bottle of Laurent-Perrier pink champange in Little Italy last night (try getting that one through on expenses mate). And guess who was also there? Why none other than the gorgeous Chris Whitson.
You have to hand it to those boys, they sure know how to run a piss-up in a brewery, although whether they ended up in their favourite haunt, Sunset Strip, with Catherine in tow is yet to be revealed. (Let’s just hope they didn’t try to put that one through on the corporate card. That can be quite troublesome as a certain former boss of DLG – we’ll call him Jeremy for argument’s sake – found out a few years back.)
Another guy who has been popping the champers is the irrepressible Scott Logie, who was this week inducted into the DMA Roll of Honour for services to direct marketing. Not that I am jealous you understand, but how come I have never had the nod? The amount of joy I’ve brought to this industry is virtually immeasurable, yet still the highest honour in DM-land eludes me.
I wouldn’t mind, but I’ve slept with most of the DMA board; I guess I just haven’t slept with the right ones…yet.
You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol