Well, my new man – Mr Perfect the plastic surgeon – has certainly been showing me the love this week, although the bulge in his trousers has taken a bit of a hit. So much money, so little time…
Would you believe, it transpires many of his regular customers actually work in direct marketing? Of course I’m far too discreet to mention them by name so Amanda, Steve and Tim your secrets are safe with me. Nip and tuck, anyone?
Having sneaked unnoticed into Chris Whitson’s leaving do at the Blind Pig cocktail bar last night, I can confirm there are many more potential clients out there for Mr Perfect. Especially among the gnarled old creative directors who were propping up the bar and bemoaning the demise of long agency lunches and fat salaries. Come on guys, make a bit of effort won’t you?
But why the Blind Pig I hear you ask? Allegedly it had nothing to do with one of Whitson’s, ahem, all-night “encounters” on the Oriana back in the day; it was trendy and cool, ahem, just like Chris. To be honest it was all a bit dark in there for me, so having necked a few Japanese Slippers and a couple of Cereal Killers I managed to escape without being “Whitsoned”.
Stumbling up Poland Street I took the opportunity to check out my esteemed editor’s old stamping ground, the former head office of Centaur Media, which these days is looking about as healthy as the company itself. The sign on the boarded up front door warned of the dire consequences of anyone trying to enter the building. Nothing new there then…
Mind you, it was funny to read that the company behind such former glories as Mortgage Strategy, Data Strategy and Strategy Strategy has appointed its first woman chief executive this week. I’m sure former boss Graham Sherren will be choking on his Hummer cigar at the very thought of it. After all, the only decent women who used to get to the top floor back in the day were the Miss World contestants, as the company shared the office with Eric Morley.
Anyway, it appears the new boss – former EMI chief Andria Vidler – is not only really clever, she’s a bit of a babe too. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s competition. Still, a few tweaks from Mr Perfect and I’ll be more than a match…
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