IPA Summer School opens doors

The IPA is urging students to sign up for this year’s Summer School, the scheme which offers undergraduates the opportunity to work in top marketing agencies.
The Summer School comprises two programmes: the client service/planning programme and creative programme. Participating agencies include OMD, SFW, Crayon, LIDA, Kitcatt Nohr Alexander Shaw, OgilyOne, EuroRSCG, Brave, RAPP, CMW, Proximity and 3Sixty.
Both provide students with the opportunity to work at top agencies where they will work on live briefs, and enjoy a series of special evening seminars and social events.
In addition, they will also be given prize money, and if they prove to be successful in their placements, there is the potential to get a job at the end of it.
The client service/planning programme:
● The students will work at their allocated agency for ten weeks (starting on July 4 2011) on briefs, projects and pitches.
● They will receive a £1,000 prize on completion of the programme.
The creative programme:
● The students will work at their allocated agency for five weeks (starting on July 4 2011) on briefs, projects and pitches, as part of a creative team – one copywriter, one art-director. The IPA will pair the roles up accordingly.
● They will receive a £500 prize on completion of the programme.
Summer School founder Chris Whitson, planning partner of SFW (pictured), said: “The IPA Summer School is our industry’s chance to prove its worth to bright, motivated young people. And for those young people to see if it’s an industry that can offer a compelling career choice. It’s an intensive learning experience for the successful candidates.”
For full details, visit: http://www.ipa.co.uk/Content/Summer-School-2011

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