Lloyds Pharmacy targets care chiefs

Lloyds Pharmacy is targeting more than 11,000 care home managers with a campaign that demonstrates how its prescription delivery service can help them meet their duty of care to deliver ‘the right meds at the right time’.
Devised by agency TDA, the proposition focuses on two interpretations of time. By using Lloyds Pharmacy, care home managers can meet key standards surrounding the timeliness of medicine provision, set by the Care Quality Commission. It also enables the care home manager to dedicate more time to the care of residents, in the knowledge that pharmacy services are under control.
The campaign involves a direct mail pack resembling a blister-pack of pills, which is followed up by an email. And the notion of saving time extends to the response mechanism – recipients are encouraged to call or email to request a visit from their local Lloyds Pharmacy representative, rather than returning a form.
“We have the advantage of being a local, community-based pharmacy and this enables us to steal a march on the competition with delivery schedules tailored to suit individual care homes’ needs,” said Peter Wilton, head of brand and marketing communications at Lloyds Pharmacy. “We are able to work flexibly within a timeframe that suits the home. And we aim to dispense and deliver routine prescriptions four days before the home’s next meds cycle, with acute prescription requests dispensed and delivered within 24 hours.”

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