Stiff rebuke for ‘inadequate’ mailshot

MaximusA personalised direct mailing for penis enhancement capsules which suggested the recipient was “inadequate” – and unable to satisfy his partner – has been banned by the ad watchdog for causing serious offence.
The mailing from Life Healthcare was headed “You can have a penis that’s inches longer and much thicker naturally, without surgery, pumps or exercise. Guaranteed or your money back!”
Text below stated “Dear [recipient’s first name] Is the size of your penis a disappointment to you and your partner? Sexually, do you feel so inadequate that the inability to satisfy your partner leaves you demoralised and depressed at how little you have to offer?
“Your lack of confidence and low self esteem is making you unattractive to others. Any partner you have is simply turned off by your small size and the chances of attracting anyone else are zero – you’re just too scared to reveal what little you have. It’s a vicious circle”.
The mailing continued in a similar vein for four pages while making various claims for the efficacy of Maximus penis enlargement capsules.
The complainant, who had previously asked the Life Healthcare to remove him from its database, but still received such mailings on a monthly basis, challenged whether the advertiser was in breach of the Code for making persistent and unwanted marketing communications. He also challenged whether the ad was offensive.
Life Healthcare failed to respond to the Advertising Standards Authority’s inquiry.
In the absence of any defence, the watchdog ruled that the repeated references to how the size of his manhood and sexual performance could be improved, along with the personal nature of the suggestions, were likely to cause seriously offence.
Banning the ad, the ASA also warned Life Healthcare to remove the complainant’s personal data from its mailing list and asked the Committee of Advertising Practice to inform its members about the problem with Life Healthcare.