All-inclusive glory club beats the golden years any day

foxy 414And so to my hot “coffee date” with Mars Bar Mick, the man who promised to spill the beans on all the gossip at Mars and vowed to help me “play, play, play”. Well, not quite.
You see, before we meet he sent me a questionnaire to fill out to make sure we were the perfect match. I say questionnaire, it was more like the script for University Challenge. He then confessed that he was in Mark Ronson’s camp. No he didn’t work on Bang, Bang, Bang, Valerie and Uptown Funk; he was actually a sapiosexual.
Now, I must confess, I do quite like a man with brains in his head rather than just in his trousers but does he think I am not clever enough to go out with him or something? Bah, his loss.
Luckily I had something rather less highbrow already planned at the White Horse in Soho; the biennial Precision Marketing reunion. OK, I know I didn’t have the pleasure of actually working for that seminal magazine but, hey, I am an honorary member of staff on account of the fact we have all had to work for Fatty.
Oh how they laughed, laughed and laughed some more, although I have no idea what about. Of course, this was a different era of long boozy mornings, long boozy lunches and long boozy evenings. In fact, it sounds like all they did back in the day was go out and get hammered with the senior team from DLG and some bloke who thought he was James Bond.
Anyway, they were the glory years apparently, although, as the magazine did see out its 21st birthday before it hit the buffers, there are plenty of people who can lay claim to be in the “golden generation”.
It appears the same can’t be said of Campaign magazine’s “golden years” team, which I hear is a very select gang, mostly people of a certain age.
I am not quite sure what it says about the current crop but it seems that Maisie, Gideon, Kate, Omar, Fayola, Ben, Bethany, Gemma, Yasmin, Simon, Gurit, Brittaney, Emmet, Orianna and “Staff” are NFI’d.
Ah well you can always come along to the next Precision Marketing get-together if you like. We’re not such an exclusive club, we even welcome sapiosexuals as long as they get the drinks in.

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