Busty brings you the wind instrument with a difference

busty idolAs many of you know, I do like to blow my own trumpet now and again – well, like many of the sisterhood, I rarely get any praise from above, so there is nothing like a bit of self gratification once in a while.
So, I was pretty pleased with myself for seemingly assisting the magnificence that is Jonathan Spooner in his quest for a job. From the responses he had on social media, all was looking positive, although today I am slightly more fearful due to the fact that he has just tweeted that he wants to be “dumped at the Temple of Death, and be done with it”. Give it time, fella, give it time.
And I was a little upset to discover that one of his Facebook buddies had refused to read my musings because it sounded too crude. Surely I am not that offensive am I?
Talking of which, this being a rather dull news week – apart from the hell of Brexit – I headed to my regular deep-throat of information, the Pornhub Insights Blog, for inspiration.
And, there dear readers, let me tell you, they have been talking about a wholly different type of blowing your own trumpet, detailing the rise of the, er, look away now Spooner’s pal, “Rusty Trumbone”.
That’s right, apparently ever since Cosmopolitan Italy published an article under the headline “3 Women Share What It’s REALLY Like to Give a Rusty Trombone”, the phenomenon has been sweeping the globe.
(This being a family magazine, I am not at liberty to provide the exact details of the manoeuvre; suffice to say it involves a man and a woman or, as we are all for a bit of diversity, two fellas, but a musical instrument is not required.)
Anyway, according to the data analysis, the Cosmopolitan Italy article went viral and within hours there was a huge increase in searches by +248%. In the days after, the news spread around even more, and it reached +329% in Italy four days later.
But who searched for it? You may be surprised the discover it was us girls. That’s right, Italian women proportionately searched for the Rusty Trombone 25% more than men.
As the report states: “We suppose women just want to learn how to perform a perfect Rusty Trombone to their partner… and we’re pretty sure that Italians will do it better!”
And who says word of mouth doesn’t work?

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol