“I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m sorry that I made you cry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re such a lovely guy.” That’s right folks, I’m afraid I have to get down on my knees this week, to the rather dashing Jeremy Lee.
It seems some of the facts from last week’s tribute to everyone’s favourite Campaign deputy editor may have got distorted along the way. (I blame my esteemed editor’s well-documented economy with the truth.)
Now while I prefer my version of events, it now transpires our Jezza never did tell the svelte queen of adland to fuck off in front of the whole office. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.
In fact, he wrote an email to one of his mates slagging off his lovely boss (in which he may or may not have used the f-word, but probably did). Yet instead of sending it to said pal, our Jezza accidentally sent it to Claire Beale instead. Mea culpa. Mea culpa.
And now it seems he’s so upset with me that little ol’ Busty has been shunned for Jezza’s leaving drinks. To be honest, it’s probably a good job as I’m not too sure I could join in with his “flaming Sambuca” party piece, where you light a big slug of the Italian liqueur in your gob.
(Let’s just hope the evening is nothing like his “welcome” drinks when he allegedly threw up over himself and had to be carried out of the pub. All lies too, hey Jezza?)
Anyway, this week our man has come over all dewy-eyed for his final column for the self-crowned bible of adland, and done the unthinkable by bigging up direct marketing of all things. (And I’m sure it has nothing to do with trying to kick-start his new freelance career by cosying up to what many deem the grubby side of the industry. After all, even his old pal Ian Darby now has to ply his trade with Scott Knox down at the Marketing Agencies Association…)
To quote: “Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO has struck a small blow to the veneration of youth with its hiring of Steve Stretton to run its new retail division, AMV Red. With the veterans Simon Hall and Warren Moore also shipping up this year at Bartle Bogle Hegarty on the British Airways account, perhaps it’s having a direct, rather than a digital, background that is the real elixir to an eternal advertising life.”
Even I will raise a glass of Lambrini to that…
You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol
RT @DM_editor: Mea culpa. Mea culpa. @BustyIdol gets on her knees for @jezzalee http://t.co/ihhQDyGKFO