Busty lifts lid on Bonus culture…

Ouch. Ouch. And triple ouch. That’s right folks I’ve been at it again…With the lure of free drinks, last night I found myself once again mingling with those lovely people at the Marketing Hybrid networking event.
And those Feltham brothers – Bede and Tim – sure know the way to a girl’s heart.
As the old saying goes, ‘one drink and I feel good; two drinks and I feel everyone’. If only Marauding Mike had been there… ah well, maybe next time, loverboy?
Still, Premier Consultants’ Russell White didn’t seem to be complaining about my attentions. I did stop short of giving him a Busty Bonus though; tempting as it was to show him the lurve, his gorgeous wife Miriam is a close friend of mine and that would just be wrong.
Anyway, Russell was telling me a rather interesting story about a contact of his in the recruitment game.
Apparently this chap had had a few barren months when one day the phone rang from the HR department of a top firm, looking to recruit a senior marketer.
Having scoured his contacts, he put forward the candidate – a highly experienced woman – whom he thought was perfect for the role. Luckily the company thought so too and hired her on the spot.
Content with a job well done and the prospect of a nice chunk of commission, our recruitment man decided to have a few days off and enjoy the countryside in this green and pleasant land.
His joy was cut short somewhat when two days later he received the devastating news that his recruit had been summarily dismissed for gross misconduct. How? Why? When?
He swiftly contacted one of the HR team who simply sent him a link to a website, www.best-blowjobs-in-the-city.com, where, would you believe, she was in all her glory, his ‘highly experienced woman’ dishing out her very own Busty Bonus. Sloppy.
Luckily it wasn’t all bad news because our chap managed to place another, rather less, errrr ‘gobby’ candidate. Mind you, he did spend hours checking a few dodgy websites to make sure she didn’t go down ‘too well’, so to speak…

Follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol