Foxy gets hot on ‘right time, right place, right message’

foxy 414Bonjour encore une fois chers fans de Foxy et salutations du pays des mangeurs d’ail. Yep, we’re still having it large with Jean-Claude and Winny in the Languedoc-Roussillon region, where the wine flows all day, the sun shines bright and the temperature is hotter than Hades.

Talking of which, and cranking it even higher, we’ve managed to get our sticky mitts on the 2023 French Sex Report, from one of France’s most popular online sex shops Amorelie, which gets down and dirty to uncover the intimate preferences and proclivities of La France.

Now, naturally, you may be asking what relevance this has to marketing? Well, to be honest not that much other than, if you want to get under the skin of Les Gaules you will need to devise a “right time, right place, right message” strategy. (And hey it’s hot and it’s August, you should be thankful I am bashing anything out.)

So, without further ado, we’re kicking off this insight with “right time”, which shows 4% of French people have sex every day, while 31% engage in sex several times a week. The highest percentage of people (39%) have sex several times a month, while 19% only do it once a month. Then again 7% say they never get it. Mind you, these stats could be well and truly skewed and screwed following the DM Girls’ Getaway (Foxy’s French Adventure).

Moving to “right place” and when it comes to favourite sexual positions, the French favour doggy style, followed by missionary position, with spoons in third place (no, not our popular columnist Jonathan Matthew Spooner Esq, he always comes out on top).

And finally “right message” which it seems could be a harder nut to crack as 26% of French people have threesomes as their ultimate secret desire, making it tricky to pinpoint who you should be targeting. The majority of men (56% vs. 30% of women) imagine themselves with two women, while the majority of women (54%, vs. 14% of men) prefer a threesome with two men.

Other fantasies include group sex (11% of French people have apparently been there, done that), role playing (19% love a bit of that), 18% have partaken in bondage, while an impressive 29% of French people have tried slow “Tantra” sex.

Meanwhile, 13% of people would like to have sex on the washing machine from time to time. Other locations for fantasy lovemaking include hotels (40%), baths or showers (39%), beach (26%) and 12% wish to join the mile-high club.

Alors, bonne chance pour ramasser les os de ce lot, as they say round these parts.

Have a great weekend in the pouring rain, suckers.

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