Teddington’s tears and tantrums

gossip-three-23-300x3001Oh to be the talk of Teddington – and I’m not talking about Mike Cornwell’s merry gang at the IDM either. It seems that all hell’s broken loose at one of DecisionMarketing’s lesser rivals, Haymarket Media Group, following the latest round of swap the editor.
To be honest, I missed the first sign of trouble when Campaign’s deputy editor Jeremy Lee posted online that he needed a “stiff drink…straight out of the bottle”. Nothing unusual in that you may think – after all, Jezza has a stiff one most of the time apparently.
But all became clear a few hours later when my esteemed editor phoned to tell me that Claire Beale, the svelte queen of adland, had ousted Danny “Rogering” Rogers and marched back into the Campaign editor’s hotseat.
Old McKelvey had even managed to speak to a Haymarket insider – and not, as some have rather rudely suggested, simply made up some nasty quotes. In fact, he decided not to run with the bit that read: “Danny’s furious. PR Week was going down the toilet so they booted out the editor a couple of weeks ago. Campaign’s screwed too.”
So it seems our Jezza wasn’t the only one reaching for the bottle. Back at base, a certain someone was allegedly so enraged at the prospect of going back to PR Week that he even tried to get Sir Martin Sorrell to phone up Haymarket bosses and demand he should stay put for the collective good of adland. Nice try Danny, but if you had perhaps been a little kinder to the industry, rather than tell them they were a bunch of out of touch tossers, you may have had half a chance…
Even more bizarre was why Campaign ran two stories about it; one to say welcome back Beale, the other saying goodbye Rogers. Ironically, while one of the biggest advertising mergers in history was collapsing, the self-proclaimed “ad industry bible” was so busy blowing smoke up its own arse, it missed the story. Plus ça change, as Maurice Levy might say.
Still, it’s great to have Claire back. We may be polar opposites, I’m a young, dynamic, busty sexbomb with brains and curves to match and she’s, er, not, but we’re all sisters under the skin (it’s just there’s slightly less of her’s).
Anyway, talking of the sisterhood, it’s been another fine week for us girls in DM-land hasn’t it? Good ol’ Foxy at Lida has been made up to chief exec – keep up the excellent work girl – while Ben Stephens’ successor at VCCP, Sophie Maunder-Allan, has been revealed and has beauty and brains to boot.
Like it or not guys, the girls have taken over…

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol

4 Comments on "Teddington’s tears and tantrums"

  1. RT @DM_editor: Teddington’s tears and tantrums…@BustyIdol’s take on the shenanigans at Campaign magazine http://t.co/945J4DMW0r #adverti…

  2. Hilarious explanation of what went down @Campaignmag this week by @BustyIdol http://t.co/n2tlzAnNPG

  3. http://t.co/QRuqVBWWVK . I leave this with you with no added comment….

  4. RT @DM_editor: Teddington’s tears and tantrums…@BustyIdol’s take on the shenanigans at Campaign magazine http://t.co/945J4DMW0r #adverti…

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