Three cheers for the sisters doing it for themselves

foxy 414As the gloom descends once again and the country stumbles down the dreaded steps back to Covid hell, I must confess, I’m refusing to get dragged down with you lot, in fact, I’m actually feeling decidedly cock-a-hoop.

Now, before you send for the men in the white coats, bear with me and the power of three.

First up, my trip up and down “The Nile” for the debut – and possibly only – “In Bed With Foxy” column is looking more promising by the minute, although now McKelvey has found out (where’s he been, you may ask), he’s threatening to make it a threesome and jump into the sack with our Chic hero too (the more the merrier, I say).

Next up, I’m pleased to report that the Vault of the Vayjayjay is preparing to pull back its curtains once more. Yep, they’re so close to spurting through the 25 grand target that now they have a date for reopening, October 3, and have launched another “vagtastic” fundraiser (their words not mine, for a change) to keep it all flowing smoothly.

The “Open Soon” series features an auction for top vulva etchings from 60 artists and as the blurb states: “Spread the word. Get bidding. Do your bit for the bits of Britain…” I would tell you my fave one but then you might outbid me, and, as we all know, “Loose Lips Sink Ships”.

My final ray of sunshine comes courtesy of former Campaign global editor in chief Claire Beale and her new business partner Sonoo Singh, who has worked at Marketing Week, Pitch, M&M, Print Power Europe, Portas (yep, she’s been around a bit), FCB Global, Campaign, Gyro London, (blimey, how many jobs?) SinghSpeak and The Drum (keep up, keep up).

That’s right, the Queen of Advertising is joining forces with the Queen of Lunching to set up “The Creative Salon”.

Now, of course, I’ve no idea what it’s all about, but our Claire has already stressed it is “a really exciting opportunity to do something new that helps shape an exhilarating future for our industry”, and who am I to argue?

To be honest, they could be opening a hair salon for all I care, even though the timing wouldn’t be great to start offering shampoo and set now would it? The thing is, the sisters are doing it for themselves and, as the Vayjayjay femmes will no doubt confirm, when us girls get in the mood, you fellas had better watch out…

You can now follow Foxy on Twitter and Instagram  (although don’t expect too much)