US Airways ‘a shocker’ for Busty

gossip-three-23-300x3001Oh don’t you just love Easter? As Pharrell Williams sings: “Because I’m happy, Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof, Because I’m happy, Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth, Because I’m happy, Clap along if you know what happiness is to you, Because I’m happy, Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do…”
Yep, you got it, four days off in a row and mountains of chocolate to wade through – including the obligatory luxury “choccy-cock” – so what’s not to like? (Well, writing this column a day early is a bit annoying, but, hey, you can’t have everything can you?)
Someone who is less happy is the US Airways passenger who was sent that picture on Twitter of a woman with a plane shoved up her fanny, along with the comments: “Please provide feedback here…”
One wag even joked “Try finding the black box in that one” but of course loads of people were banging on about how it could’ve been avoided. No shit sherlock…
To be honest I was quite offended, too. I mean did you see the state of that under-carriage – and I’m not talking about the model Boeing 777 either. As any self-respecting young woman knows, anal bleeching is de rigueur these days.
Back to far more serious matters (yeh, right). I see the IPA has become the latest organisation to ditch the term “direct marketing”, replacing its DM Group with something called “The Customer Experience Group”.
So, I decided to do a bit of digging to find out where all this “customer” stuff was coming from; after all, Campaign magazine – that massive organ of the ad industry (all 28 pages of it) – recently ditched DM and they now call it “customer engagement”.
John Watson and Drayton Bird would be turning in their graves if they weren’t still working like dogs.
Anyway, do you know what…it’s all down to OgilvyOne. Apparently they convinced editor Danny “rogering” Rogers that no-one called it direct marketing anymore; they insisted everyone calls its “customer engagement” these days.
Rather ironic then don’t you think that after three years of being Campaign’s, er, “Direct Agency of the Year”, once they had actually persuaded Haymarket’s finest to change it to “Customer Engagement Agency of the Year”, OgilvyOne came second to Lida. Never mind guys, there’s always next year…

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol

2 Comments on "US Airways ‘a shocker’ for Busty"

  1. Busty shocked by US Airways tweet and finally discovers why “customer experience” is the new DM at Haymarket

  2. RT @DM_editor: Busty shocked by US Airways tweet and finally discovers why “customer experience” is the new DM at Haymarket…

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