Earth to McKelvey, Earth to McKelvey…has anyone seen my esteemed boss of late? He was last spotted bouncing off the walls of his local town following his eldest son’s stag do; now the wedding is looming and he’s gone AWOL.
Of course, I’m well used to him not being around to help me, it’s just that he has “previous” in this disappearing lark. He won’t thank me for reminding everyone, but, after all, this is the man who vanished from his own awards evening because his beloved Chelsea were playing in the Champions League semi-finals.
Talking of clowning around, the spate of clown attacks around the country got me thinking. And when that happens, the only place I normally go is to our friends over at PornHub and their hard-at-it insights team.
Apparently as clown fetish porn has been around for some time, searches on Pornhub are not uncommon. In the past 30 days, however, there have been over 100,000 clown related searches.
The most popular search is “clown porn” followed by “clown girl” and “clown gangbang”. The effect of media coverage can be seen with terms like “crazy clown”, “scary clown” and “killer clown” moving above longer-term fetish favorites like “midget clown”, “birthday clown”, “clown feet” and let’s not forget – “clown fart”. Charming.
The site’s coneheads also report that proportionately, us girls are 33% more likely to search for clown porn than men. I guess we are so used to putting up with male clowns in the workplace, that seeing blokes in compromising positions give us a thrill.
To determine if these clown searches are strictly a result of curiosity seekers, or part of a larger fetish group, the boffins looked at leading searches — those are the terms that are most often searched immediately before searching for clowns.
The most common preceding search is “circus”. It is followed by “juggalette”, which along with “juggalo” are names given to fans of musical group Insane Clown Posse, apparently. The third most common preceeding search is Suicide Squad character “Harley Quinn”. “Payaso” is a Spanish term for someone with a painted face, and “Kitzi” a real Internet personality who dresses provocatively as a fetish clown-girl.
Still, as hard as they searched, no-one could find a single mention of marketing clowns. Then again, you only have to look over your shoulder at work to see them in action.
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