Why Busty’s a big fan of the direct approach

busty idol“It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go, my wish-list is coming along, with ideas for everyone, you’ll wanna make Busty happy, I know.”
That’s right fans, only a fortnight to go, and I’m definitely coming over all Christmassy. Old McKelvey’s splashed out on a tree, the baubles are up and the festive CD is on the loop; I’ve even had a Christmas card from the lovely Jonathan Harman at Royal Mail MarketReach (well, he does get free postage, I guess).
Did I ever tell you how marvellous their ad campaign is? And the website which supports it is really top notch, too? And you can rest assured this praise has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I’ve been put on a mission to get on the media schedule for the January campaign, either. As it says on the MarketReach site, “when people feel something, they do something”. Rogering Rog and Calamity Clive know all about that. Mind you, I can’t think what Jonathan meant when he wrote “Behave yourself in 2016” in my card. I’m always a good girl, me.
Anyway, after a few barren years, the prezzies are starting to arrive, too. But for anyone still at a loss to know how to treat a girl, you could do a lot worse than visit the Fortnum & Mason website, where their hampers are looking nearly as good as me in Herve Leger.
There are also some lovely bottles of bubbly, because I’m worth it. (Or, if you are feeling very generous, Marauding Mike, you could always get me a bottle of Louis Roederer, Cristal Methuselah 2002, a snip at just £9,000. You will definitely get Busty’s Special Recognition Award for that.)
But I don’t want you all to get the wrong impression; I’m a giver as well as a taker. And this week I would like to send special hugs – and maybe even a sloppy kiss if he’s lucky – to Mike Cavers, who has been laid up for the past few weeks, with a mystery illness.
He is on the mend now, but still off the booze, poor sod. Although a little bird tells me, that you wags out there have been having plenty of fun with him since he was crowned the “Godfather of DM creative” on this very website. Apparently someone has even sent him a My Little Pony head through the post, which raised a wry smile no doubt.
Good old direct mail, guaranteed to get results…

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol