Have you had enough of Brexit yet? Anyone would think it was the end of the world the way some people have been talking, and even the lovely Warren Moore seemed to lost it when he posted online “Oh my f***ing God…”
Mind you, this was followed by the even more shocking news that “the Italian Deli on the New King’s Road has already run out of Modenan Balsamic Vinegar and sun-dried tomato focaccia”.
Over at that very serious business read, Campaign (yeh, right), they had no fewer than ten stories in this week’s issue describing how adland was crying into its supper. So, it’s not all bad then…
Mind you, Rapp’s plan that it was good week to bury the bad news its alleged “destructive” global boss Alexei Orlov had resigned seemed to have misfired. Nice try guys but when someone is accused of that sort of behaviour, even the end of the world has to take a back seat.
But it was comforting to see that at least there is someone with a brain over at Omnicom after they handed Orlov’s job to the gorgeous Marco Scognamiglio – you see, good guys can come first. Our Marco certainly knows how to treat a lady well, as I know for a fact that he has been well trained by his lovely wife.
And the pizza restaurants will be putting up the bunting over his appointment, too. True to his Italian roots, our Marco loves nothing more than a flatbread generally topped with tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. But one is never enough, as anyone who has ever dined “con Scognamiglio” will tell you, he always orders an extra pizza as a side dish. Classy.
His appointment will also no doubt bring a huge sigh of relief from Rapp London’s head of copy Julie Adams, who, dressed as one of the Krankies (I kid you not), posted a load of vacancies on LinkedIn earlier this week.
On Tuesday any hopes of mass applications was looking remote, after all, Rapp US bosses had just defended the allegations against Orlov as “outrageous”. By Wednesday morning, the Count was gone and in one fell swoop Rapp returned to being a nice place to work.
And they might, just might, have saved themselves from a good kicking from their former martial arts legend of a creative chief, too…
You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol