TDA picks up PDSA mailing brief

Veterinary charity PDSA has appointed TDA for a legacy project to increase the number of supporters who leave a gift to the charity in their will.
As part of a direct mail campaign, TDA has devised a new test creative which invites existing PDSA supporters to review four potential ads relating to will-making and legacies, and choose which one they think is the strongest. This will give PDSA a strong indication about which creative execution supporters will respond to best if they request further information about legacy gifts.
Feedback will be given through a simple response survey, giving tick box options. At the same time, supporters will be asked implicitly if legacy gifts and will-making are subjects which might be of interest to them and given the opportunity to request further information.
This approach will be tested against the charity’s existing and more traditional creative, which focuses on how legacy gifts can help to minimise Inheritance Tax, and an adaptation of this existing creative.
PDSA head of legacies and major gifts said: “Three out of four veterinary treatments provided by us are paid for by gifts in wills, so we know that our supporters are inclined to consider this form of giving. And whilst the theme of minimising Inheritance Tax has worked well for us in the past, we want to test new ways of engaging our audience and making them feel that they can really play a personal part in helping us to reach out to more sick and injured pets.”
TDA account director Emmeline Kite added: “It’s important that this approach yields real and valuable information to avoid coming across as disingenuous. This new creative allows us to engage with supporters, use their feedback, and get across key messages to them about the importance of legacy gifts, all at the same time.”

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