Data security must be made a priority “from the boardroom to the postroom” in 2012, according to one expert who claims that low prosecution rates for online criminality are making cyber crime highly attractive to villains.
The warning comes from Mark Dampster, associate director of The Centre for Cyber Security, which works with police forces, governmental bodies and companies to help improve their computer security.
According to Dampster, the vast majority of businesses are still not fully aware of the costs of keeping data safe. He also claims that firms are not keeping up with advances in technology, leaving a gap for cyber criminals to exploit.
‘Everything we do online, every message we send and everyone communication we enter needs to be thought about carefully – particularly if it is new or unexpected,’ Dampster said.
2011 was dubbed ‘the year of the data breach’ following a number of high profile attacks, including one on Sony which put the personal details of more than 100 million customers in jeopardy. The hack triggered widespread criticism from the US Government, European Union data chiefs as well as customers, which launched a class action in the States.
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