Dixons Carphone bolsters analytics

Dixons Carphone bolsters analyticsDixons Carphone is ramping up its data-driven marketing by implementing a new analytics platform from APT to boost customer engagement and profits at the recently merged group.
As well as marketing, the company is using APT’s Test & Learn software to improve its decision-making across merchandising, pricing, operations, and capital investments, following the August deal which saw Carphone Warehouse and Dixons join forces.
Dixons Carphone’s primary brands include Carphone Warehouse, Currys and PC World in the UK and Ireland although it employs over 40,000 people in 14 countries in Europe.
Dixons head of strategy Anthony Morris said: “Dixons Carphone strives to employ the most robust analytical methods to answer a host of questions brought about by the digital age. Such as: How do we measure the impact of new cross-channel services? How does a change through our online channels impact shoppers’ decision making in-store?”
“Understanding the profit impact of every action taken is crucial in a multi-channel environment where small changes might increase or decrease profitability in different parts of the business. Test & Learn allows us to distill the incremental profit impact of new multi-channel strategies amidst the ‘noise’ brought on by volatile metrics and an increasing number of sales channels.”
Dixons Carphone chief marketing officer Gary Booker added: “APT allows us to test ideas quickly and accurately, enabling us to continue to innovate and therefore drive value for our customers.”
APT’s cloud-based software is already being used by T-Mobile, Cox, Lowe’s and Boots.

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  1. Dixons Carphone bolsters analytics http://t.co/Y11AOLQWO7 #directmarketing #CRM #digitalmarketing

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