Email marketing ‘back from grave’

Email marketing is proving to be far more resilient than the doom-mongers would have you believe, according to a new study, which reveals a surge in popularity among consumers over the past 12 months.
The bounce-back has been credited to companies finally waking up to the benefits of improved segmentation and better targeted content.
The research – the 2011 DMA Email Tracking Study, with fast.MAP and Alchemy Worx – claims the number of consumers reporting that more than half the marketing emails they receive are of interest has increased from one in ten (9%) in 2010, to one in three (30%) in 2011.
However, this is no time for complacency, as one in four (24%) say that fewer than 10% of the marketing emails they receive are of relevance to them, although this has fallen from two-thirds (64%) of consumers in 2010.
Consumers are signing up to receive regular emails in ever-greater numbers, says the report, with 50% of consumers reporting they now receive 20 or more emails from brands they trust every week.
The annual Email Tracking Study surveys 1,800 UK consumers to monitor
their perceptions, experiences and responses to email marketing. The study provides insight for marketers by comparing its results gathered in preceding years to highlight new and prevailing trends within the email marketing sector.
Commenting on the findings, Chris Combemale, executive director of the DMA, said: “Brands are constantly learning how best to build trust with their customers, which is vital for successful email marketing. The massive rise over the past year in the number of emails that consumers report as being of relevance to them is a direct consequence of improved targeting and segmentation techniques, as well as a greater understanding of the kinds of content that are appealing. This will be a great boon for business.”
Some 30% of those surveyed considered more than half of the emails they received from trusted brands interesting or relevant to them.
Alchemy Worx chief executive Dela Quist said: “This shows that not all emails are viewed as being equal. In terms of perception consumers give VIP status to email from a brand they trust. Marketers should recognise that email is a very powerful and cost effective way to translate brand equity into clicks and sales.”