SFW wins SAV credit cards brief

SAV Credit, the company behind the Marbles, Aqua and Opus credit cards, has appointed Stephens Francis Whitson to handle its integrated marketing account, following a pitch.
SFW will work as the company’s lead marketing agency, initially on the Aqua card, building its customer base and developing the brand.
The direct account was previously held by Crazy Horse Brand Response, although it is unclear at this stage whether the agency will be retained for future work.
Founded in 2000, SAV specialises in offering credit cards to customers who cannot get credit with high street banks. In 2007, it bought the Marbles brand from HSBC for £385m, including 338,000 customer accounts. And in 2010, it bought the Citi-branded card portfolio for £835m with 539,000 credit card customer accounts.
The company now has in excess of £700m in credit card assets under management.
SAV chief marketing officer Allan Silverman said: “We are looking for a strategic partner to help us fulfil our growth plans and brand vision. In SFW, we have found a group of people capable of achieving this.”
SFW client services director Matt Conner said: “We need to develop the brand but be direct in doing so. We’ve built a team that is totally focused on helping to support the long-term growth of the business.”