Top 10 marketing skills unveiled

business-people-freeThe days when you could blag your way into a marketing job with a bit of sales patter mixed with a few buzzwords appear long gone, if the results of a new analysis on recruitment trends is to be believed.
According to recruitment site, companies are demanding a plethora of skills and accreditations from candidates; some are old favourites but many are likely to take a trip back to college to acquire.
The social media recruitment platform, headquartered in London’s Tech City, boasts over 300,000 live jobs and claims to be quickly approaching 500,000 registered users. It has drawn up a top ten list of “must-haves” for today’s marketers; they are:

SEO strategies Having a good knowledge of SEO is crucial, assisting with new keyword research for non-paid for ads as well as the online marketing strategy.
Google Adwords Professionally Qualified with experience in Google Analytics The Google AdWords Certification Program is a globally recognised stamp of approval. Knowledge of the latest AdWords tools and best practice techniques can help you to effectively manage AdWords campaigns.
Using CRM systems If you have the experience and you can demonstrate that you are comfortable working with CRM systems, it could be the difference between “normal” pay and a sizeable cheque at the end of the month.
Degrees are a must Large companies still value a degree, and to get ahead to a marketing executive role it is required in almost all job descriptions. In many industries such as IT, finance and marketing, a candidate is still fiscally valued by the level of their education, meaning a candidate with a background in higher education, a degree or a postgraduate degree is more likely to climb to the top of the marketing ladder than others.
Managing budgets If you are dealing with marketing campaigns, you will also be required to manage the company’s budget. You will need to be proficient in numeracy, you need to have a good sense of judgement to be able to prioritise and allocate spend for the most prominent projects.
Developing marketing strategies Having experience in leading the development of a company by developing a content strategy can show your ability to produce audience-focused, high quality and relevant marketing content across multiple channels.
Specialised Certifications and qualification Certifications are used as a measure of a person’s diverse skill-sets and competencies. The CIM (The Chartered Institute of Marketing) Professional Diploma in Marketing is a good example if you are trying to accelerate your career.
Creative delivery Leading and managing the delivery of all creative, editorial, print and digital comms for the company. This is about your interaction with the marketing team, you will benefit from being a part of the entire company’s marketing content delivery. This will open up the possibilities in terms the number of management roles you will be able to access.
SME marketing strategies Showing experience in developing marketing strategies for SMEs can also be a great boost to your career prospects. SME strategies can identify the latest trends for your business in the UK. Having this experience and being able to demonstrate this can strengthen your impact when entering a new company and open the doors for growth in your sector.
Handling the pressure A busy workload and being able to build a strong rapport with clients is crucial and can propel you from an executive to a director. In marketing you will have time-sensitive issues to deal with on a daily basis, and you need to relay information to an array of audiences.

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2 Comments on "Top 10 marketing skills unveiled"

  1. RT @DM_editor: Think you can blag your way into a top marketing job? Think again #datamarketing #directmarketing #di…

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