WaterAid pushes World Toilet Day

World Toilet Day song for WaterAid - YouTubeWaterAid is launching an online campaign to support World Toilet Day – being held tomorrow (November 19) – and raise global awareness of the struggle faced by the 2.5 billion people living without access to a safe, clean and private toilet.
The campaign, which features a singing “Louie the Loo”, has been devised by Now – the agency co-founded by former Rapier creative chief John Townshend – and directed by Gary Friedman.
The agency was appointed to handle fundraising and brand communications in May following a review handled by AAR.
The tongue-in-cheek ad highlights how many people in the world take their toilet for granted, while billions of others have no access to proper sanitation. According to WaterAid figures, around 700,000 children die every year from diarrhoea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation – almost 2,000 children a day, while 1 in 3 people in the world have no toilet.
The campaign seeks to raise awareness of the problem by getting viewers to share the film on Facebook or Twitter or by emailing it to five friends.
Townshend, who wrote the ad, said: “Water is the single thing that gets people out of the poverty trap. So the cause couldn’t be more important. It’s like a 9/11 that happens every day. But as this relies on viral we needed to make the film different, funny to make the point.”

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