Busty discovers a new opening

BustyYou’ll have to forgive me this week for the late arrival of my column. This being the summer holidays, we’ve got more people crammed into this tiny office than there are asylum seekers in the back of your average lorry coming out of Calais. And the students, step grand-kids, and Yorkshire terrier I’m being forced to entertain are playing havoc with my weekly schedule.
Anyway, back to business. Have you heard the one about “Gadget insurer hunts ad agency” or maybe even how “Teens are the most tech-savvy”. Yep, you guessed it, it’s August in the marketing press and every other bugger is on holiday apart from us.
OK, I did have that little jaunt to Brazil and Cannes, but hey, that was work…
Mind you, I’ve got rather more pressing things on my mind; apparently over in Teddington they’re still desperate to dig the dirt on little ol’ Busty for blowing the gaffe on how a certain editor went begging to Martin Sorrell in a lame attempt to hold on to his job.
They’ll be lucky, I’m as clean as a whistle…well, apart from that “Busty Does Bognor” porn movie I made a few years back, oh yeh and all those married blokes I’ve been knocking off so I can get my summer wardrobe.
The same can’t be said of course for poor old Commander Sarah Wood, the Royal Navy’s first warship boss, who’s been stripped of her job for shagging an underling or as The Sun put it “woman navy officer sunk by seaman”.
Can you imagine that happening in agency-land? I know of at least a dozen agency chiefs – yeh, that includes you Nige, Phil, Chris, Steve, Steve and Steve – who would be out on their ear if that rule applied in this industry.
A talking of inequality, did you see that us girls will not be on equal pay with men until 2070? Not that I’m holding out much hope of old McKelvey giving me equal pay even then.
Luckily I’ve hatched a new get rich quick scheme after Quebec-based adult film company Pegas Productions opened an academy for budding porn stars, offering an intensive one-day training course for $149.
Never one to miss an opening, I am now running UK auditions for them, teaching would-be studs the ins and outs of the business. (Just don’t tell anyone at Campaign…)

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol

1 Comment on "Busty discovers a new opening"

  1. While everyone is on their hols, @BustyIdol discovers a new opening http://t.co/i24PCKgb9P

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