Busty in pole with a full Brazilian

Busty“At the copa, Copacabana, The hottest spot north of Havana, At the copa, Copacabana, Music and passion are always in fashion, At the copa, Busty fell in love…”
That’s right fans, thanks to the gorgeously wealthy Tarquin Farquhar (Farquhar by name, dirty Farquhar by nature) I’m already topping up the all-over tan in preparation for the World Cup. And what’s not to like? The world’s highest-paid footballers are about to descend so I’m in pole position to bag one. I might even check out the local agency scene as they certainly seem to clean up in the Cannes Lions. (It also has no extradition treaty with the UK, so I’m free from the clutches of the libel lawyers, too.)
And where would you rather be? Soaking up the sun on one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in the world surrounded by fit, young Brazilians playing with their balls or on the Côte d’Azur, fighting off pasty-white, married Don Draper wannabes begging to see your full Brazilian?
Mind you (hear we go again), I did hear a rumour that it was in a posh Cannes hotel room where the plan was hatched to get the svelt queen of adland back in her rightful place. And when you’ve got the likes of Robert Senior and Johnny Hornby on your side (or should that be at either end?) you know it could be a very messy ending for someone.
Still, I’m sure “rogering” Rogers is so much happier now he’s back in the bosom of those PR lovelies…
Of course, I’ve no need to worry myself about such antics now; I’m 5,718 miles away and just a few degrees north of the Tropic of Capricorn. “The girl from Ipanema” may be well “tall and tan and young and lovely”, but the locals just can’t seem to get enough of my 38DDs. And my assets are certainly helping the boys hone their “keepyuppy” skills, that’s for sure. In fact, Miguel and Pedro managed to “keepy-it-uppy” all last night.
Before I arrived here, I thought old Tarquers was a dirty old Farquhar but these boys from Brazil make him seem more “World Cup Willie” than Christian Gray. Still, he’s paying, so I’ve got to keep in with him and a girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do to get her way (hasn’t she Claire?).

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol

1 Comment on "Busty in pole with a full Brazilian"

  1. RT @DM_editor: Find out why our very own Busty Idol is in pole position with a full Brazilian http://t.co/TAph67dwnf #directmarketing #adv…

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