Is it just me or has the world gone even crazier this week? I know it’s the silly season and all that but the news looks increasingly like it is actually being made up… a nude restaurant opening in Paris? A blow-job cafe opening in London? Ketamine: the musical anyone?
Of course, as befits it’s self-proclaimed title as “the iconic weekly Campaign magazine”, our friends over in Teddington have got their fingers truly on the crazy news pulse.
For fascinating insights, just check out “The top 10 brands favoured by Remainers and Brexiters”. Apparently if you like HP Sauce, Bisto, ITV News, The Health Lottery, Birds Eye, Iceland, Sky News, Cathedral City, PG Tips and Richmond you are a nailed on leaver, you idiot. However, if you’re more partial to, BBC iPlayer, Instagram, London Underground, Spotify, Airbnb, LinkedIn, Virgin Trains, Twitter and EasyJet, well, you are really, really clever and wanted the UK to remain. Well done, you.
But as the very lovely Debbie Morrison from ISBA wrote: “That’s insane. Clearly remains don’t eat!”
Meanwhile, who could possibly resist the in-depth investigation under the shocking headline: “Ad men who man spread”. This sharply-observed article provided a gallery of Campaign pics which showed heinous examples of those evil men of adland – including Sir Martin Sorrell, Trevor Beattie and John Hegarty – who dared to sit with their legs apart. Hang your heads in shame, you bastards.
As one former Campaign hack told me: “It was bad enough when Danny Rogers tried to turn it into a schoolkids’ version of the Financial Times; now we have Spare Rib. They seemed to have forgotten that it is actually a trade mag about advertising.”
So, what does Marketing Week reckon the big story of the week is. Well, none other than the cutting-edge “Top marketers share their summer reading essentials.” So I guess editor Russell Parsons wasn’t actually lying after all when he said: “We are your voice, your eyes and ears.”
And finally, dear Busty fans, we come, almost inevitably to the hapless Kevin Roberts. Am I outraged by his musings? Not really. Am I surprised? Most definitely not. Of course, as us girls know, there is only one explanation. We should pity him, the guy obviously has a very tiny penis…
You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol