I have to admit, it’s not been the best week to be working for my esteemed editor. Ever since he found out that his former colleague David “I’ll have that £350 bottle of red, please” Reed has been made an IDM Honorary Life Fellow, he’s been even more grumpy than usual.
(He was even heard muttering those pitiful words, “I don’t think anyone knows me anymore”, to which I had to inform him that of course they knew him; that’s why he wasn’t getting an award.)
Add to that the looming legal threat from Bernie Ecclestone and most of us here (well, that’s me and the 14-year-old tech guy) have been trying our damnedest to keep out of his way.
Still, what better way to cheer up old McKelvey than a team night out? Back in the days of Precision Marketing, I hear that there was one night when the production editor got arrested, the PR woman dished out a blow-job and the features editor got her tits out…and that was all before 8pm.
To be honest I was hoping for all three but sadly our own event passed by without much incident. The same cannot be said, however, for the recent bonding exercise at the Collider Agency. Never heard of them? Well, nor had most people until their strategic development director Jonathan Scott ended up plastered – quite literally – all over the Evening Standard last week.
You see, our Jonathan obviously fancies himself as a bit of “face” and when asked to leave shouted out “do you know who I am. You can’t ask me to leave, I will take you down”, before tussling with staff, destroying plant pots and throwing pebbles at the front of the restaurant.
Despite claiming to have reacted badly to new medication to combat panic attacks, Jon was slapped with £780 in fines, £125 of court costs, and an order to pay £500 in compensation.
Not that this was his most heinous crime. That was turning up in court wearing designer glasses, a blazer, turned-up skinny jeans and no socks, for which he got off scot free.
Still, at least everyone knows who Jonathan Scott is now…
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