Foxy declares: Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa

foxy 414WITHOUT PREJUDICE. On February 4th 2022, Decision Marketing ran a story under the headline: “Read on for some ghoulish voyeuristic entertainment.” In that story a serious error of editorial judgement was made for which I apologise.

I wrote that Mr X was guilty as charged of a blatant breach of data protection law and had been fingered good and proper by the ICO and The Insolvency Service, as reported by no lesser authority than the BRITISH GOVERNMENT.

I would like to retract the statement that he was fingered good and proper by the ICO and The Insolvency Service. The statement was not made with any malicious intent to lie or defame the character of Mr X. The error was unfortunate and I completely retract the false information and apologise for the mistake.

Haha. Bet I nearly had you then, didn’t I?

In fact, I would like to say that no fingering took place at all and that Mr X was actually caught with his trousers down. And, of course, he was still found guilty as charged of a blatant breach of data protection law, as reported by no lesser authority than the BRITISH GOVERNMENT.

Publish and be damned is my motto.

On to lighter things and with Valentine’s Day fast approaching, apparently love is in the air and gift giving is poised to make a comeback, according to, er, payment and lending provider Alliance Data. Well, they would say that wouldn’t they?

Yep, “their experts” are predicting a whopping $24bn in spending, making it the second-highest year on record with love-struck Generation Zers in particular ready to spend, spend, spend. (Bless ’em).

And, before you can even ask “where’s the evidence?”, up pops a study that dives into how consumers are planning to splash the cash this year.

Apparently nearly two in five (39%) Gen Z consumers plan to purchase luxury goods; more than any other age group. And, believe it or not – I’m firmly in the not camp, to be honest – V-Day is the number one holiday consumers plan to purchase gifts for this year. (Heaven help us.)

You see, 67% of consumers will purchase a gift for their significant other (up 14% from 2021), while 13% also plan on purchasing gifts for pets (doubled from 2021). (Desperate or what?)

Luckily for payment and lending provider Alliance Data, nearly two-fifths (38%) of younger consumers would spend more if offered a buy now, pay later option at checkout. Of course they would, they are all skint.

WITHOUT PREJUDICE: Does anyone actually care?

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