Foxy gets down in the kitchen for National Cake Week

foxy 414I’d like to say that my feet have hardly touched the ground this week as I continue my quest to bag a rich pilot to see me through those looming dark winter months. I’d like to say that, but it would be fake news, I’m afraid.
Seven days in and the only G-Force I have witnessed on is “Granddad Force” with most of the fellas on there way too old, even for me.
Mind you, I haven’t really had time to have a proper rummage as I have been too busy this week celebrating the classic threesome of National Work Life Week, National Pyjama Week and National Cake Week.
Of course, my esteemed bosses’ idea of me achieving a work life balance involves me spending hours in the kitchen just so they can eat cake in their PJs.
Still at least it has given me the chance to ganache my buns all week. I even made a special one for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to our parts, with royal icing and everything.
Talking of royalty, I see that the one and only Lloyd James, a man who has a suit to match every occasion, as well as your wallpaper, has returned to the industry. Things have not been easy for our Lloyd but he is definitely back and raring to go so lace up your boots, it could be a messy celebration.
Finally, I can’t possibly sign off without giving a special mention to another one of our favourites, Royal Mail MarketReach’s Jonathan Harman and his team, who are camping out on the streets of London tonight in support of Byte Night London in aid of Action for Children. You can donate to the cause here>
Let’s just hope they don’t get a soggy bottom…