Foxy reveals the secret to cracking productivity week

Well, at last January is drawing to a close, and, let’s be honest, with millions of people adhering to Dry January or Veganuary – or both – it really has been hard to find anyone out there who wants some fun.

Not that I need too much of an excuse. After all, while the world and his wife, her wife, husband, civil partner, lover, friend with benefit, office affair, “them”, “they”, singletons, “self-partnered” and transitioning trans have been going without, I have had to make up for their loss.

Luckily,  January also includes National Curry Day, National Croissant Day, National Pie Day, National Pastrami Sandwich Day, National Doritos Day, National Hot Chocolate Day, National Cheese Lovers’ Day, National Peanut Butter Day, and National Chocolate Cake Day to name but a few.

But to have National Fun at Work Day in National Productivity Week seems a bit much.

Although, as ever, there are plenty of people out there desperate to impart their knowledge for the latter.

Enter Coveragely managing director Gareth Hoyle. Look, I’ve never heard of him either, but needs must and all that.

Among his top tips are to embrace the Pomodoro technique, in which you start thinking in tomatoes, not hours. Yep, you heard it right. Pomodoro is Italian for ‘tomato’ and Francesco Cirillo, the creator of Pomodoro, named the technique after the tomato-shaped timer he used in college to supercharge his studying.

The Pomodoro technique sets rigorous times for highly focused chunks and short breaks to rest and recoup. Here’s how it works: Set your time to 25 minutes; work until that 25 minutes has finished; take a five-minute break; repeat the break and work cycle for four rounds; after the fourth round, take a longer 15 or 30-minute break.

Our Gareth claims you’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in those short, 25-minute bursts – and how much a short, but regular, break can help to boost your focus.

To be fair, I prefer the ChatGPT technique. You ask it to write you 400 words on any subject you like, it bashes out the work while you get on with National Curry Day, National Croissant Day, National Pie Day, National Pastrami Sandwich Day, National Doritos Day, National Hot Chocolate Day, National Cheese Lovers’ Day, National Peanut Butter Day, and National Chocolate Cake Day, to name but a few.

Now that’s what I call productivity…

Follow Foxy on and Instagram if you must, but don’t get too excited as I’m never there

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