Get your bids out for Busty…

gossip-three-23-300x30011The old saying goes that “time is money”, so having read that an anonymous bidder has paid a whopping $610,000 to get a half hour meeting with Apple chief executive Tim Cook, I’ve decided to put myself up for auction, too.
Now I know the proceeds for meeting old Timmy boy are going to good causes or something but, hey, they also say charity begins at home, so all the cash I raise will go to the Busty Wardrobe Fund…
Believe me, you’ll get way more than half an hour with little ol’ Busty. And I guarantee there’ll be no mention of apps, iPhones or even the iWatch. I don’t even mind if you film it… after all, I am not the star of Busty Does Bognor for nothing.
But I have to warn you, if you answer your mobile phone half-way through, I will put you over my knee and give you a good spanking. Mind you, some of you might like that…especially you, Mike!
I did see this week that something like 100% of young adults would be willing to go without sex rather than ditch their handsets; although the report didn’t mention that when asked whether they would be willing to go without a Busty Bonus, 110% of the blokes said “no way”, even some of the women were reluctant too…
So, it’s nearly official, a date with Busty is not only worth much more than one with some nerdy idiot from Apple, it’s also way more fun. So come on fellas – and you bi-curious girls -email your bids to, you know it makes sense.
One bloke who is unlikely to have time to do so is Steve “my hair is more coiffeured than Nicky Clarke” Aldridge, who will be far too busy over the coming weeks working on the Rolls-Royce repitch. And, combined with having to deal with Accenture, too, he’ll be lucky if he’s got time to sleep, let alone bid for a night out with me.
Mind you, although I do get hot under the collar when I think of Steve coming on a date with me, I’m not too sure I could cope with someone who spends longer to get ready than I do. I mean, we’d both be fighting over the bathroom and the hair straighteners…
Ah well, there’s always loverboy Marauding Mike…

Don’t forget to order your copy of Busty’s book, The World According to Busty Idol and Friends by clicking this link >>>>>
You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol

1 Comment on "Get your bids out for Busty…"

  1. Why pay $610,000 for a coffee with Apple boss when you can have much more fun with Busty?

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