Has Busty sucked life out of DM?

gossip-three-23-300x3001Oh the joys of autumn, as Keats wrote: “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless, With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run.” Yeh, yeh, and, of course, a new autumn wardrobe too.
Us girls always like to look our best you know, so it was with this in mind that I was pounding the streets of our fair capital city looking for a new collection, when I bumped into the indefatigable Chris Ward of An Abundance, who asked if I fancied a bite to eat.
Never one to turn down a cheeky mouthful, I accepted straight away and we were soon ensconced in the rather barren basement of Andrews Edmonds. Anyway, he was soon telling me how life in DM agency-land is so much better these days, so long as you drop the DM part.
He even forgave me for the Mount Chris Ward jibe a few weeks back, but was soon spouting  his corporate mantra, something about how they “harness the radical thinking, experimentation, openness, risk-taking and future making power of customers, clients and specialists alike in a commitment to lead Britain from austerity to abundance, one business at a time”.
Bloody hell, I thought, calm down will ya luv, I have even had a drink yet! Whatever happened to shit that folds? Still, you’ll be pleased to hear that things are going pretty well for Chris these days (to be fair, he probably wouldn’t have invited me for lunch if they weren’t, but ho hum). And once he gets his payout from the Engine Group I’m going to be all over him like a rash, and then I’ll show him exactly what an abundance of Busty looks like…
A rather abstinent two bottles later and I was back on the streets of Soho when I bumped into former Ruby boys, Richard “Dickie” Megson and Matt “the sensible one” Davis, having a fag outside their offices.
Of course, these days, they now co-own The Red Brick Road – the former stamping ground of ‘Mad’ Frank Lowe – and they too have left behind the murky world of shit-that-folds to become ad-luvvies.
Week in, week out they are on location shooting ads for the likes of Magners, Suzuki, Jagermeister and, er, Tess Alps at Thinkbox. The days when they had to fold one of those up into a brown DL envelope and post it out are long gone apparently.
All of which got me thinking (it does happen now and again, you know). Why are the brightest minds in DM leaving? Is there no money in it anymore? Is DM, in fact, dead? Is it my fault? My god, I hope so, then I can start writing about some interesting stuff…

Don’t forget to order your copy of Busty’s book, The World According to Busty Idol and Friends by clicking this link >>>>>
You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol

1 Comment on "Has Busty sucked life out of DM?"

  1. Is there a direct marketing brain drain? Let’s hope so… http://t.co/BKHRow4u7X

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