Sniff of a pay rise sees Busty unleash her big guns

busty idolThis being National Work Life Week, it would be rude not to mention that, bizarrely, my esteemed editor appears to have been treating all the DecisionMarketing gang (well, that’s me, the child tech guy and, of course, himself) remarkably well this week.
Not that it actually has much to do with National Work Life Week you understand; more to do with the fact that he has been so busy drumming up support for the worthy “Call for Action on the TPS” campaign he hasn’t been around much to give us any grief.
No change there, you may think, but it seems that his new-found love for the telemarketing industry has put him in a very chipper mood, especially since people are actually responding in their droves. I can’t work out whether he’s had a bump to the head or he is genuinely now Mr Nice Guy.
Whatever, I am certainly not complaining as he has even hinted that a recruitment drive for extra staff and a pay rise for me could be on the cards. Which of course is good news for everyone, as it means that I won’t have to apply for a job on Matching Models, after all. Not that there seems to be much call for us bigger girls on the self-proclaimed “international temp agency for beautiful and talented people”. Tut, tut.
Still with that pay rise in the offing, I would obviously like to give my own backing to the “Call for Action on the TPS” campaign, as long as it doesn’t upset the DMA too much and result in me missing out on my annual DMA Awards freebie. (Mind you, they do owe me big time as I have so far resisted the temptation to point out that they still haven’t announced a chairman of the judges yet and the judging is already done and dusted. Please keep that under your hat.)
Anyway, back to National Work Life Week; it seems that ultimately this isn’t such a bad place to work. According to one staff survey, loads of you spend your weekends recuperating from your busy working week, leaving little energy to do ‘out of work’ activities.
To be honest, here at DecisionMarketing we have the opposite problem – we have so little energy left from our ‘out of work’ activities, that we are usually too knackered to do the job…Sloppy.

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol