Phew, what a scorcher. Not only has this week been one of the hottest for years, it has also seen one lucky man finally reaping the benefit of his successful bid for the “Big Night In With Busty”.
Luckily, he’d paid up weeks ago so I was able to buy a whole new summer wardrobe – and throw in a quick visit to Agent Provocateur in Soho – and he seemed more than happy with my purchases.
Of course, I must remain tight-lipped about who my generous donor was, but suffice to say, my lips were not sealed that night… So much so, in fact, that he’s coming back for round two this weekend and has promised to bring his missus along, too…
You see, there are at least some people who work in this industry who believe in the sisterhood, although sadly it seems we’re thin on the ground.
Despite Cilla Snowball’s best efforts to get us girls to treat each other with respect, you have to wonder why so many seem to thrive on keeping women down.
I was having a little girly gossip to one of the sisterhood the other day and she was claiming it was all Maggie Thatcher’s fault. After all, the lady was certainly not for turning when it came to promoting the fairer sex, and it seems her ethos has not been lost on many in agency-land.
Anyway, apparently there are at least two sisters – let’s call them Whipmeup and Crankshaft for argument’s sake – who love nothing more than giving their female staff a good tongue-lashing. And, now, I hear that even the shelf-wobblers and gondola end industry body has its fair share of girly spats, too, leading to at least one recent exit.
Never mind WACL, maybe they should rename it WWACL (Warring Witches in Advertising & Communications London). Come on girls, isn’t it time we all stopped being hard-nosed bitches and started giving each other a chance?
Now there’s nothing wrong with being assertive – in fact I have a bit of a penchant for “sub/dom” myself – but there are enough blokes in this industry who are complete assholes…do we really have to be like them?
Don’t forget to order your copy of Busty’s book, The World According to Busty Idol and Friends by clicking this link >>>>>
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