Why Foxy is blessed to be able to write any old rubbish

foxy 414Another week, another deluge of snaps from my “e-friends” on social media which, it is fair to say, are threatening to turn me into a green-eyed monster.
So far this week, I’ve had to witness Jonathan Spooner, the gorgeous, witty, brainy and übersexy proprietor of Spoon Creative Ltd, living it up with his former boss and everyone’s favourite Womble, Lucian Camp, near Lauzerte; Chris Martin and Chris Ward from Klive [I still don’t understand what they do] getting plastered on Crete; Mike Cavers looking very relaxed – and slim – enjoying his retirement in Nontron; and Simon Kershaw getting hot under the collar in Avignon.
Bizarrely the normally ubiquitous Sonoo Singh hasn’t been seen for weeks, but Jezza Lee is making up for it and even he is having a better time than me.
Despite the fact that he hates tennis, Campaign‘s newly promoted “consulting editor” has been “VIPing” it at Wimbledon, you know, downing Pimm’s and scoffing scones and cream like they’re going out of fashion and generally making a nuisance of himself. (OK, I made that last bit up but I bet you did, Jez, I bet you did.)
Mind you, I would also wager that he wished he’d taken along his new rifle, posted on Instagram in all its glory. After all, there’s nothing quite like taking a few potshots at posh people to liven up a dull afternoon in SW19…
Anyway, despite everyone else having much more fun than me, I still love my job more than life itself (pay review is now overdue).
Yet even I can’t compete with Centaur Media’s Russell Parsons, who has hailed the relaunch of that once glorious magazine – yep, yet ANOTHER relaunch – by insisting: “I am blessed to be the editor of Marketing Week.”
You see, like any award-winning editor – in 2016, he scooped The Fiona Macpherson New Editor of the Year at the British Society of Magazine Editors, you know – our Russ likes to keep his finger on the pulse.
And, I quote: “Over the last two years we have canvassed many of you about what content is most useful and what you need more of.” Apparently what Marketing Week readers need more of is “essential insight into the big strategic and leadership challenges, and deeper dives into the customer, market and sector developments that will define the future of your brand and your job”. They also crave “to make sense of the modern marketing landscape, from martech to ecommerce, programmatic to social media”. Good luck with that then.
But, I hear you ask, what is Centaur Media’s grand plan to ensure it keeps Marketing Week readers sweet and, even more importantly, in their jobs? Why, it’s launching a Marketing Week paywall of course! Genius…
As Russ concludes: “With the improvements we have made, we believe we are even better positioned to help you understand the marketing industry today and become a more effective marketer.”
In other words, you’re not getting this stuff for free anymore – no matter how many millions of copies we have given away in the past on controlled circulation. Advertising is drying up and we haven’t got a pot to piss in, so hand over your bloody cash before they shut us up for good…
Have a great weekend!

You can now follow Foxy on Twitter and Instagram  (one day she might even post something)

5 Comments on "Why Foxy is blessed to be able to write any old rubbish"

  1. It’s a shotgun, not a rifle.

  2. MY BAD JEZZA – Typically McKelvey doesn’t know what he is talking about! Can I ride “shotgun” with you then? x

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