With Booby, Foxy and Jimmy, what could go wrong?

busty idolAnd, so dear Busty fans, to the DMA Awards, where as promised everyone had “a firecracker of an evening on the moonlit banks of the Thames”. The wine flowed and flowed and, true to form, just about the whole place was wrecked by about 8pm.
None more so than the gorgeous “DM cheeky girls” Booby and Foxy (that’s MRM Meteorite’s Nicky Bullard and Lida’s Victoria Fox to the uninitiated), who were right at the heart of the action.
Even our host James “Jimmy” Nesbitt “OBE” took more than a shine and was spotted sandwiched between them at one point in the evening until my esteemed – and particularly “steamed” – editor broke up the threesome.
But, by then, Jimmy was already smitten and he then spent the rest of the evening giving shout-outs to Booby (little did he realise, however, that Foxy was the real fan).
And, to be honest, I was a little jealous at first but he did try to reassure me later that night – when I finally managed to get my hands on him – that “he was only being friendly”. A likely story…
Anyway, as always, the great and the good of the DM world was present. Meteorite’s Chris Whitson was there, too, cock-a-hoop that he had finally been reinstalled in the Campaign A List.
Other notable “faces” included WDMP’s Godfather of DM creative, Mike Cavers, who was looking decidedly, er, “svelte”; Lida’s Trefor Thomas, who was looking decidedly bored, and Karmarama’s Mark Runacus and Creston’s Tim Bonnet who were trying not to look decidedly smug and rich.
And who could possibly have not spotted The Real Adventure’s Ian Bates, who was looking chipper at the prospect of getting to vet the 40-strong choir again – even though he had missed out on the Creston share fest.
One man who also seemed pretty pleased with himself was the award-winning editor of Marketing Week, and who could blame him, after all, he is fresh from being crowned “the best editor who has served fewer than two years” at the British Society of Magazine Editors’ Awards a fortnight ago?
Whether he will be quite so cocky when he has to announce that Marketing Week is going monthly in the new year is another matter. “Same great content, same great people bringing it to you…er, once a month, now.”
Still, it’s nothing personal, you understand, I bitch about everyone – except Jezza Lee of course – and my boss, being a former Marketing Week associate editor (whatever that is), will be quite upset when he finds out the news about his old rag. Thing is, no-one has seen him since Tuesday night (or was that the early hours of Wednesday morning?) when he was last spotted stumbling along Lower Thames Street muttering something about Easy Hotel Croydon…
Ah well, that’s the DMA Awards for you.

You can also follow Busty on Twitter @BustyIdol