23red launches consultancy for behavioural change

23red23red has set up a consulting division, Consult23, to help new and existing clients develop what it has called “evidence-based strategies that will lead to individual, social and organisational change”.
The move, which has been triggered by increasing client demand, will see Consult23 sit alongside 23red’s specialist content division, Content23.
The division brings together a collective of consultants with experience spanning a range of sectors and disciplines and will be spearheaded by 23red chief executive Jane Asscher (pictured, right) and head of strategy Jo Arden (left).
Consult23 has already developed a revenue diversification strategy for an NGO, redesigned the organisational structure for a publically funded body and authored three new consumer behaviour change strategies.
Asscher said: “For many years we have been working with clients that have the clear ambition to shift behaviour but lack the necessary tools to effect change. We took the decision to create this new division to reflect and manage the increasing number of clients asking for this service.
“Before we get to the consumer end of things, we frequently need to look at the behaviour of the business itself. In doing that we can understand where there are opportunities or barriers that may impact the consumer experience further down the line.”
23red works across multiple sectors and clients include Atkins Nutritionals International, Bluewater, Thames Water, Health & Safety Executive, Network Rail, NHS Blood and Transplant, Public Health England: Change4Life and Smokefree, Equalities and Human Rights Commission and Save The Rhino International.

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