Mind hunts agency to help charity with GDPR strategy

mindMind, the mental health charity, is seeking an agency to develop a marketing strategy to prepare the organisation for the looming EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Although exact details have not been released, it is thought to be part of a data repermissioning and awareness initiative to ensure existing donors are kept on board.
The charity has used a number of agencies in the past, including Equimedia. The search is being led by communications officer Rachel Egan.
Founded in 1946 as the National Association for Mental Health, the charity offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.
It also works to raise public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health. It is one of the few charities which did not get caught up in the row over aggressive fundraising activities, sparked by the suicide of Bristol pensioner Olive Cooke.
Cancer Research UK launched a major marketing campaign in March, designed to get its database compliant with the new EU data protection laws at least 10 months before the May 2018 deadline.

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