Native ads beat banners by 10:1

Native ads beat banners by 101Anyone doubting the effectiveness of native advertising need look no further than a new study which claims the technique is outperforming traditional online display ads by nearly ten to one.
The research, carried out by UK native advertising specialist ContentClick, was compiled from a wide variety of advertising and publisher sources, and demonstrates that native ads are seeing click-through rates (CTRs) nearly ten times higher than traditional banner display formats.
This figure is corroborated by ContentClick’s own native advertising network of 500 publishers, which is averaging CTRs of 2%, almost a tenfold increase on traditional display ads.
It also tallies with findings from Hearst Corporation, which recently disclosed figures for native advertising within Harper’s Bazaar showing a similar ten-fold uplift. In addition, the research shows that UK advertisers spent a record £3bn on online advertising in the first half of 2013. Other findings note that the average UK consumer is spending 43 hours a month online.
ContentClick managing director Alex Attinger said: “Industry standard click-through rates – the rate at which an advertisement is clicked per 1,000 ad impressions – average 0.21% in the UK. Native advertising networks are currently outperforming this figure almost ten-fold. I don’t think there can be any greater argument for advertisers to test this media channel, especially when the return-on-investment has the potential to be so high.”

1 Comment on "Native ads beat banners by 10:1"

  1. Native ads beat banner click-throughs by 10:1 says new study #digitalmarketing #DirectMarketing

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