Marketers might talk a good game but scratch beneath surface and the self-doubt is all too visible, with the majority being so uptight about their own abilities that they shy away from applying for new jobs.
So says a new study from job board CV-Library, which reveals that while a whopping 95% of marketers are considering moving jobs right now, over half (56.5%) are too worried to even contemplate a change.
The study of 2,000 UK professionals and 200 UK employers found that nearly three-fifths (59.1%) of marketers would not apply for a new job because they are worried they do not have the right experience to do it. In addition, 45.5% said they would because salaries on offer were too low and 22.79% were worried that they would not like the new role.
Indeed, according to further analysis from CV-Library, pay for new job marketing jobs is currently 3.4% less than the UK average.
CV-Library founder and CEO Lee Biggins said: “There is an abundance of marketing jobs on offer in the UK right now and it’s very concerning to discover that professionals may be missing out because of a lack in confidence.
“Searching for a new role can certainly be daunting; after all, you essentially need to sell yourself to a company and make a great impression at every stage: from your initial application, to your post-interview thank you email.
“That being said, it doesn’t need to be an arduous task. Believing in yourself and your abilities is crucial. To give yourself a boost, try to match up your experience with the job description. If you can easily spot that you have the skills needed for the job, you’ll immediately feel more confident, ultimately improving your chances of securing the position.”
Another factor, according to the study, is the growing concern of job security, with over a third (34.8%) of marketers being worried about losing their current job. This is despite the fact that 95.6% of UK employers state they are confident about retaining staff over the next six months.
Biggins concluded: “As the media continues to report on job cuts across the UK, it’s no wonder that professionals are nervous about losing their jobs. Yet, it’s clear from our findings that UK firms are confident about their employee retention efforts. If you are concerned about the future of your career with your current employer, it’s definitely worth speaking to your manager or HR about the options available to you. You never know, it may give you the push you need to look for a new job.”
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