Santander joins digital loyalty club

Santander joins digital loyalty clubSantander has joined New Look, Argos, Gourmet Burger Kitchen, Hertz, Patisserie Valerie and Heal’s in a new digital loyalty scheme operated by US company Cardlytics, offering cashback rewards to mobile and online customers.
Card-linked marketing is one of the fastest-growing marketing channels, enabling brands to provide personalised, relevant offers to their customers based on comprehensive spending data, from credit and debit card spending to direct debits.
Cardlytics launched in the UK last year, by powering the Halifax Cashback Extras initiative, which gives customers up to 15% cashback on high street purchases made using their debit or credit cards. It expanded this relationship by providing statement marketing for other Lloyds Bank Group brands Lloyds, TSB and Bank of Scotland based on customers’ purchases.
Gourmet Burger Kitchen marketing director Katie McDermott said: “As a restaurant group using the scheme, we’re delighted we will be able to offer our Santander customers some great cashback rewards when they dine at GBK. This new Cardlytics partner will allow us to target specific promotions to more consumers, based on their spending not only with us, but also other casual dining restaurants.”
The programme is available to all Santander customers with a simple one-step opt-in and they can access their offers via online or mobile banking.
Cardlytics managing director Jill Dougan claimed it is the only channel based on ‘whole wallet’ spend, allowing advertisers to build up a rich profile of where, when and on what customers are spending. She added: “It provides banks with a new route to engage and reward loyal customers and enables consumers to get money off the brands they love with a single click.”
Ruben Justel, director of customer loyalty, cards and unsecured personal loans at Santander UK, said: “Our customers always tell us that they want real, on-going value from their banking services, and so we are delighted to offer this great new service which couldn’t be easier to use – you just shop and spend as normal with your Santander credit or debit card. With our 1|2|3 World customers also earning interest and cashback on their balances and everyday household bills and expenditure, banking really has never been so rewarding.”

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1 Comment on "Santander joins digital loyalty club"

  1. RT @ArloNC: Congrats to @cardlytics UK team! Santander joins digital loyalty club

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