‘Sexual swordsman’ mailer flayed

gladiatorAn unsolicited mailing for natural Viagra-style capsules, featuring explicit images – including a naked man brandishing a sword between his legs as well as in a “threesome” – has been banned by the ad watchdog for causing serious and widespread offence.
The company behind the campaign, Life Healthcare, has been slapped down by the Advertising Standards Authority before. Last year it got into trouble for running a personalised mailing which suggested recipients were “inadequate” – and unable to satisfy their partner – without popping a Maximus penis enlargement pill.
The latest mailshot, from subsidiary Life Natural Cures, was headed “Gladiator – conquer your virility! Increase your size and performance!” It featured an image of a naked man holding a sword between his legs, covering his genitalia. Below this was an image of the top half of a couple having sex, while further images showed blurred close up images of a penis; a man in bed with two women making a ‘thumbs up’ sign and an illustration of a couple having sex. At the rear of the mailing was an order form for “Gladiator” capsules and contact details.
Following a single complaint that the mailing was unsolicited and offensive, the ASA launched an investigation.
In response, Life Natural Cures said the material was originally designed for adult mailings, but had tried to remove the images that had been complained about before so it could be sent to the general market.
However, the watchdog noted that the company had provided a similar assurance following the investigation of the complaint in 2012.
And because the material was likely to cause serious and widespread offence and had not been adequately targeted, it banned the mailing from appearing again in its current form.

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1 Comment on "‘Sexual swordsman’ mailer flayed"

  1. ‘Gladiator’ pill mailshot spanked by the ad watchdog http://t.co/6amPa3H5EV #directmarketing #directmail

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